A downloadable game for Windows

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Latest Update: 12:28, 23-Mar-2024
A remake of Saboteur by Clive Townsend.

Coppercube free game engine Entire game made with free version of Coppercube. No code/scripts.

⭅    A
⭆    D
⟱    S
⟰    Space

Prevent player moving/jumping when dead.
Wall collide animation.
HUD icons: nearby/held switches/items.
Wall collision detection.
Replaced player 'running' sprites.
Added player-dead sprite.
Replaced 'on ground' plugin with my 'non-code' version.
Sentry cannon harms Player.
Improved ground/jump/fall-detection.
Fall-damage if player drops too far.
Implemented climb-up/down/idle animations.
Added a few test background decorations.
Switch1 disables sentry-cannon1.
Added 27 switch (push up/w to enable/disable).
Added fuse-box (push up/w to disable).
Added dog-bite damage.
Added all animated dog and walk-paths.
Staying under-water harms player.
Added basic animations (idle/walk/crouch/jump/fall).
Animation event handler: idle/walk/crouch/jump/fall/climb.
Fall detection.
Place-holders for walk/crouch/jump/fall sprites/climb.
Sneak/stealth - hold down/left down/right.
Character rotates 180 degrees moving left/right.
Ground/jump detection.
Game restarts if Player dies.
Health regenerates when player resting/idle.
Working health-bar.
Working mission-timer.
Underwater detection.
HUD, scan-line bezel, health-bar (static).
3 parallax-scrolling layers (back/middle/front).
Beveled-edges and shadows to layers.
Water ripple animation.
Rubber dinghy (static).
Added all ladder place-holders.
Bubble animation when Player is underwater.
Working sentry-cannons (basic).
Added some level decorations.
Camera-smoothing, leads player movement by 50ms.
Added all foreground pillars and stair-rails.
Underwater weeds and rocks.
Underwater colour-overlay.
Original pixel-art background map.
Foreground brick facade.
Accurate collision mesh for entire map.
Basic 2D character controller (Left/Right/Jump).
Mapped controller to ARROWS and W,A,S,D keys.
Character automatically climbs stairs.
Matched scale/camera-distance with original game.


Delay game-restart when dead.
All separate events now use a single controller.

Prevent player walking when colliding with walls.
Adjusted brightness-levels of all sprites.
Fixed flickering climb-idle sprite.
Fixed some broken switches.
Added some missing ladders.
Prevent jumping while climbing on ladder.

Prevent ladder-fall (increase ladder proximity width.
Switching animations no longer hides Player for 10ms.
Player/background z-fighting fixed.
Player collision-elipsoid set exactly.
Fixed character/sentry/map z_positions for perfect collision.
Set screen-size to full-screen (1280x726) dynamic.
Walk was incorrectly being disabled.
Capped heath at 100%.
Small_collision_distance prevents sticking to walls.
Player can walk up/down individual steps.
Optimized most image sizes.
Optimized animations (culled frame-rated).
Fixed clashing issue with alpha-channel transparencies.
Supports HTML (modded version can now run in a web-browser).
No longer requires physics to be enabled.
Much  more performant, so far - should run on 2GB RAM.

To do...
Climbing up/down ladders.
Optimise the collision-map polycount.
Convert all old conditional actions to new conditional-action plugin.
If ladder=1 + ground=1, set idle , not climb-idle.

Prevent jumping up ladders.
Add player-damage from guards.
Add water-spray effect from dinghy.
Makes sentry-cannon only attack player when tripped.
Add sentry-cannon sound while gun is firing.
Add in-game music.
Player enters scene on boat.
Add boat sound.
Add pickup place-holders.
Add "Ninja" sprite animations for Player.
Add working ladders.
Add working doors.
Add dog sounds (scamper/attack).
Add Jumping and landing sounds.
Add Footstep sounds for land/water/ladder.
Make Sentry guns activate/de-activate on player detection.
Add basic speech events (using Sven's SAPI plugin).
Add climb up-down/attack animations.
add 2D pop-in sprite for female narrator/messages/hints.
add code to keep player central on ladders?
add pickups.
add NPC characters.
add lift/elevator
add subway trains.
*continually decorate the map textures.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags2D, coppercube, Remake, saboteur, ZX Spectrum


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

**Old** Saboteur (abandoned) 14 MB
**New** Saboteur 13 MB

Development log


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one of the best games i ever played, good job vp

Thank you for your kind words Mohamad! Hopefully should be quite enjoyable when it's fully finished.

You need to fix the color on this page, I can't read the text. 

Sprites look nice, but some textures are missing (I think it's a fault of my laptop).

Hi SamGrady! Thanks for the valuable feedback - I changed the colours - can you read the text now or have I made it worse? Which textures are missing for you - can you post a screenshot please? I'll see if I can fix it or fiigure out why it's not working properly.

There is a problem with my laptop, many CopperCube games I've tried have this issue. When I write a shader in HLSL, it can't compile, so I think it's a problem with my GPU.
The colors need to have a little more contrast with each other. Either use a light background with dark font or a dark background with light font. If you use blue for the background and yellow for the text, choose a darker shade of blue and avoid bright yellow. Similarly, if you use blue for both the background and text, make the background darker and the text closer to white or light blue.

For the current background color you are using, the link color looks good. So, use the same color for the text and make the link a bit darker.


Ah, yeah, it's probably because I use a blue-light filter on my screen, so the colours I see will be a lot different to what you're seeing. When I get time, I'll turn the filter off, then set the colours, then turn the filter back on. Thanks again Sam.

Please  is it ccb or .exe file

The old (abandoned) saboteur game is just the exe - my computer harddisk died and I lost the ccb file - it was made using "just-in-case's" paid 2D controller, which has been updated a lot since I used it. If you ask him nicely, he may be willing to decompile my old saboteur game exe for you because it has an out-dated version of his controller.

The new saboteur game (the one without just in case's controller) does have the ccb file available - near the bottom of my assets/prefabs/ccb downloads page called "vp_platformer_template.ccb" here...https://veganpete.itch.io/free-coppercube-prefabs.