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I looked at your latest version of the game. Please tell me, how did you make grass and water? Thank you in advance.

Hi - the grass is a free 3d model from itch..., I converted to md3 with free noesis software... Water is just animated texture (I can't remember where I got it from), basically, just 7 images animated in efpse settings. A better, tileable-seamless water animation is here (link below), you can split the water frames using ezgif...  

Understood. Thank you for the clarification.

You're welcome. Let me know if you want anything - I can upload the model file or the separate animation frames. I might start a page for eFPSe assets, textures, models, sprites, animated effects etc. people could request assets and I can add them there for free.

Thank you. I tried to do everything on my own and everything worked out. Thanks again for the help!

You're welcome. Glad you got it all working.

I will try to run this game on linux mint 21.1

Oh, I love Linux Mint - please let me know if it works or not. Thanks.

It does work on linux mint using wine

Yay! That's great. Thank you.

thought u dont makes

Hi.  This is easyFPSeditor I mentioned. to you I've stopped using CopperCube for now.

fair i woulndt prob as they old school type of games

(1 edit)

Yeah, definitely has that oldschool vibe.

yo been awhile g just been messaging glitched velocity a bunch and saying u got good things to help, been stuck with the door stuff, i spoke to before i think about this like e interract with door from distance and stuff and able to close it with e and got explained how do it kind of but hasnt worked for me but telling to learn about logics and alorgithsn and variables and he said u good with vairbales. i wanna just be able to e interact with eevrything to be honest just like in games u interract buit what good. glitched velocity said yeah, he is very good with building logics and algorithms with variables only and no- coding.

Hi, yeah, I'm quite good with variables and logic in coppercube, just not very good at coding. Just_in_case is a really nice person - very kind of him to say so. The doors in this windscale game are automatically set-up, you just place them on the map with a single-mouse-click using the efpse editor and they instantly work, no need for variables or coding . You can add a texture to the door, and select the door type (normal swing-door, roll-up door, side sliding door), that's it - very simple.  You can also choose if they are unlocked or require a key to open.

Проверил. Всё у меня работает нормально. Жаль только что ресурсы запакованы. Сам иногда пользуюсь этим движком. Благодарю.

Спасибо. Я сделал еще несколько ресурсов и добавил их в распакованную версию для вас.



very cool game vp

Thanks! All the sounds, player sprites and geometry-tiles are done now, so I'll be able to start working on some more enemies and some 3D models for the map next.